plant parents

Pet plant!


Like the pet, the pet plant is starting to make its way into homes. It’s still the same plant, but its image is changing among the general public. The consequences will be interesting for the garden trade!

Pet plant

Plants are the unloved ones in the great chain of life. Since Man has been on Earth, he has continued to consider the plant as a pretty, practical or cumbersome decoration. Aristotle, the first, made the difference between Man, Animal and Plant, the latter being subclassified because of its impossibility of moving and its impossibility of thinking… Suddenly, the plant arrived, for centuries, last in the great chain of life. Nowadays, mentalities have evolved and we are beginning to understand that this form of plant intelligence, although it is certainly different from that of Humans and Animals, is no less effective since it is capable of adapt to all situations caused by man or the weather.

For many years now, we have granted Animals an intelligence close to that of Humans. As a result, many graces are granted to him; if in the past it nested in the courtyard, today it sits in the house and even invites itself into the marital bed!

 For a generation, the plant has closely followed the path taken by Animals in their relationship with Humans. Certainly, it does not yet have the place of the animal in our minds, but… Gradually, the plant entered the house. Little by little, discoveries show us that the plant kingdom will continue to surprise us and could be much smarter than our civilization… To be continued!

Pet parents

On the animal side, we moved very quickly to change our outlook. Animals were used for guarding, transport or meat. And then, some got closer to Man like the dog, the cat, the ferret… First in the doghouse, then Mirza or Médor reached the interiors of the houses. Today is “Pet” Day! We give them increasingly sophisticated first names, they rule the house, they have health insurance… Petflix  , the Netflix for dogs, is starting to grow. According to a recent Ipsos study, 68% of French people consider that their pet is a full member of the family, hence the name “Pet Parents”. Businesses are also interested in the issue. The Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant group in England provides leave for the death of a pet. Some companies in France tolerate the presence of animals on their premises. And beyond the family home, the animal cause is making great strides. Animals have disappeared from circuses, from January 1, 2024, only the use of domesticated species will be tolerated. And the ban on the use of wild animals will be definitive from 2028. Also on January 1, 2024, pet stores will no longer be able to sell dogs and cats for ethical reasons. For or against these decisions… the animal’s perception is changing!

Plant Parents

It would be a bit daring to draw a parallel between the situation of the pet and that of the pet plant. But as Christmas approaches, anything goes, I’m giving it a go… The path taken is approximately the same… The plant has entered homes. We knew of grandma’s affection for her rubber gift 30 years ago. This feeling is growing and plants now have names beyond their traditional Latin designation. Sites like, new to the market, give more familiar names to its plants. For example, Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, is called “the zebra”. Purists can rest assured, the Latin name remains indicated in the technical sheet. We go further with the site which offers real first names for plants. Beyoncé is an example to name “a slender, elegant and attractive plant”. You can also choose Queen Elizabeth “if you have a majestic palm tree or a fuchsia! “. This change in perception will also lead to a fond observation of places of cultivation and specialized points of sale. Plant welfare is taking the same path as animal welfare with advantages… And some disadvantages for professionals.

Respect !

The change in mentality is rapid and could force us to change our habits. Lack of watering or a plant in poor condition could well be perceived by these new customers as plant abuse. The transport of plants from the point of sale to the customer will undoubtedly be closely observed. The delivery person and the packaging must live up to the respect expected by this new plant-based consumer. And what about the dead plants at the back of the nursery section… There, it will become a crime and the denunciation will be unanimous on social networks. There are also positive points! Just like clothes and shoes… Winter veils and pots will be customizable. The labels with the first name of our favorite plant can take on original shapes, they will undoubtedly be connected to get news on the phone app! The guarantee exists, but when will there be long-term insurance to guarantee the life of our new pet plants? There was the hairdresser or the sports coach, we could have the “prunninger” and the “well-being coach” who will come and check on your trees at home… A new perception of plants is being established… Our market will adapt… Looking forward to seeing the developments!!!

Roland Motte… Gardener!


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