
Uncategorized#aphids #rose #struggle #predators #plant #garden #gardener #blacksoap #spring #ladybirds
Aphids are very present in the spring. These little critters are not a problem... If there are 2 or 3 of them. Unfortunately for gardeners, when you see…

Uncategorized#geranium #pelargonium #spring #flowers #balcony #terrace #carlvonlinne
Pelargonium and geranium are often confused because they both belong to the Geraniaceae family. They look a lot alike but they are not identical! For years we have been…

Uncategorized#strawberries #spring #planting #stolon #strawberry #vegetable garden #smallfruits #strawberryremontant
Strawberries are renewed from time to time, approximately every 4 years. It is a rather greedy plant and, if you want a regular production,…

Uncategorized#argula #salad #spring #vegetablegarden #harvest #nature #vegetable #garden #greenhouse
Arugula is one of many spring sowings. We will harvest it a little later… And benefit from its taste, its aroma and its quality… Close-up on the Arugula!

Editorials#inflation #price #raw materials #garden #garden center #spring #trade
The anti-inflation basket, red march, the explosion of prices… Inflation is upon us!
Shopping is no fun right now. We are all becoming attentive to labels, to the price…

Spring sowing
Uncategorized#sowing #spring #vegetable garden #roland vegetable garden #garden #nature #soil #garden center
When to go… Spring sowing is in the spring… Now is the time! Do you have the necessary equipment and techniques?
Spring sowing
Spring sowing…